Email Discussion Forum


Our email discussion forum was founded in 2000 by L Stephen Coles MD PhD and myself (Johnny Adams).  Over the past two decades it has been carefully cultivated to make it a high value, one-of-a-kind information sharing service.

This is NOT an ordinary email list.  It's an information sharing service, and a community, with content provided by some of the most informed scientists, researchers, physicians, medical professionals and highly informed lay people

It's about results, and there is no-cost.  We now have over 540 scientists, researchers, physicians, thought leaders and highly informed lay members, it’s constantly improving as more world class members join.

Facilitate the creation of solutions to slow and ultimately reverse age related decline for more healthy years of life.

This system connects aging researchers -- and solutions creators -- with late breaking news, facts, ideas, collaborators, key pieces of the puzzle, and other useful information.

The archive has a robust search feature.

How it works
A member sends one email to all 540+ members, and replies are in turn sent to all members.

Quality of the messages is assured. Messages are reviewed prior to release to all members -- so no arguing, poorly worded rambling or off topic messages, or negativity, etc. often found in email lists.

It’s all solutions, and no nonsense.

Messages can be received one-at-a-time, or combined in a daily digest. You would have full access to our archive dating back to 2004.

Members can remain anonymous, and only read messages.

And if you decide it’s not for you, let me know and your email address will be immediately removed.

To join, send an email to

JAdams -at-
or JAdams -at-
or call 1 949 922-9786

 "@" replaced with "-at-" in email addresses to avoid email scrapers
and cut spam in my inbox

Would you mind letting me know:
- A little about your interest and background in aging
- How did you hear of us?
- Most important -- regarding the future of aging solutions, what would
   like to see happen?

Our strict privacy policy keeps your email address 100% safe & secure.

John M. “Johnny” Adams
Executive Director Gerontology Research Group
JAdams -at-
JAdams -at-
1 949 922-9786 cell
CEO / Exec. Director
Carl I. Bourhenne Medical Research Foundation / Aging Intervention Foundation